In order to learn the use of kettleball exercise properly, a minimum of at least one session with a qualified and a certified instructor is required to access your skills and to help you in learning proper technique. If getting a certified trainer is not possible for you , then you can search for online tutorials and techniques.
STEP 1 The Swing.
The Russian-style kettlebell swing, in which one has to project the kettlebell to shoulder height only and it is a very effective exercise when executed with proper techniques and formation. Some basic techniques such as Hip power, hip hinging and breathing techniques make it incredibly a powerful workout exercise. It is actually a two-for-one exercise which means in this exercise you're able to combine both strength training and cardiovascular conditioning together into an efficient movement.
The swing is also considered in one of the most powerful kettlebell movements and exercises because it utilizes full-body power and helps in Intense Fat loss and helps in achieving high level of cardiovascular conditioning. According to some fitness experts , it is the founder of all kettlebell exercises and workouts
Though it looks very easy to perform, the swing can take lot of energy, time, practice, and coaching to make it a perfect exercise. Unfortunately, this exercise is often performed incorrectly and in a unprofessional way , which limits the results and outcomes of this exercise.
STEP 2. The Goblet Squat
The problem with people squatting is that people find it it difficult to carry out due to mobility balance and lack of resistance. but to do the goblet squat which is easy to do with the help of an instructor. The goblet is just not a leg exercise but another total-body juggernaut that gives more movement and the ability to move easily so you can safely train with heavy and strenous weights and loads to increase the mass of your body.
For optimum strength, development and power in the leg, the barbell squat is the best exercise because it is the most effective and amazing squatting technique.By learning how to move safely and efficiently, it can help you a lot in other kettlebell exercise process.
This is one of the easier kettlebell exercises to learn and you can apply this exercise in your training immediately and easily
Step 3. The Turkish get-up
The Turkish get-up is a bit slow and deliberate movement.You can start this exercise by lying on the floor and then stand up and then again lie back down again in a specific and particular sequence of movement transitions. This get-up will help you with both functional tasks and higher-level exercises. It also teaches you about how to move fluidly and also adds lot of strength, mobility, and skill in your movements..
If you're searching for an exercise or workout plan that will bulletproof your body, then this workout is for you. The get-up is best explained and known as kalos sthenos, which is Greek word for "beautiful strength." It's a strong and powerful full-body exercise that requires your attention and devotion.
The Turkish get-up is very effective for getting resilient shoulders , Enhanced Hip and Trunk strength and mass and for enhanced mobility of your joints
Step 4 The Strict Press
Once you are able to do first three exercises—and have gained appropriate shoulder mobility and stability—then the next step is to learn and practice kettlebell press. It is another amazing exceptional movement to learn and practice.It looks like an overhead press but it is not just a shoulder exercise because you have to use your entire body for this workout.
You might also be wondering about the advantages of a kettlebell over a classic dumbbell. I have found that the kettlebell is more comfortable and easy to handle because of the plane of motion from which we exercise. The unique and specific shape of a kettlebell and its offset handle allows one to press it in the natural plane of motion unlike the traditional dumbbell.
The strict press is awkward and very difficult with a dumbbell and a barbell. While pressing a kettlebell , you just feel more comfortable and feel like you have more strength and power to press it because of its natural plane of motion.
Step 5 The clean
Similar to the kettlebell swing, Ketllebell Clean is another intensive and explosive exercise for strength and conditioning of whole body. The difference between these exercises is that the kettlebell swing finishes in a rack position and projects horizontally away from your body.
The clean is a difficult exercise and requires lot of time to get familiar with it , but once you have mastered it then it becomes an essential and key exercise for high-powered kettlebell complexes.
The clean can also be used alone, but it is more effective when used with the press, which is considered as one of the best combination lifts and this combination is a very powerful workout combination.
Step 6 The Snatch
The kettlebell snatch—sometimes also called as the ‘’Tsar of kettlebell exercises’’.It is the ultimate and best display of power and strength of full body. The kettlebell snatch is a combination of physically and technical exercise and offers outstanding strength and conditioning of whole body and many other benefits. It can also help to raise the athletic performance to new levels and helps in building explosive strength and powerful shoulders.
The only problem is that Snatch requires a proper technique , skill and explosive strength and power of your hip.
Caution :-
This exercise should not be attempted and practiced , until you are familiar with kettlebell swing, hip-hinge pattern and explosive hip drive.After this you can progress to learn and master the kettlebell snatch.
The only problem is that Snatch requires a proper technique , skill and explosive strength and power of your hip.
Caution :-
This exercise should not be attempted and practiced , until you are familiar with kettlebell swing, hip-hinge pattern and explosive hip drive.After this you can progress to learn and master the kettlebell snatch.
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